Définition Of Done: Des Stratégies d’Accomplissement Personnalisées


“Perfection is not a state, it is a process.” -Dejan Stojanovic

The world of agility is based on this philosophy of continuous improvement and adaptation. Agile practices aim to respond to changing requirements while remaining consistent with the objectives defined at the outset.

The Definition of ‘Done’ in an Agile Context

Defining ‘Done’ is a crucial aspect of any agile approach. This means that the work accomplished meets the criteria established by the team, often in relation to quality, deadlines, and expected deliverables.

Example Definitions of ‘Done’

Let’s take the example of a software development team. A definition of ‘Done’ could be “The code is written, tested, reviewed, and approved by the customer.” In an audiovisual production context, ‘Done’ could mean “Editing is complete, post-production is complete and the final product is approved by the production manager”.

Establish your own Definition of ‘Done’

Creating a bespoke definition of ‘Done’ is a collaborative task that requires thought and agreement from all team members. By incorporating everyone’s opinions and expectations, a definition can be developed that is both realistic and satisfactory for all stakeholders.


Adaptation and continuous improvement are at the heart of agility. By creating a personalized definition of ‘done’, you can ensure that your projects are completed efficiently and satisfactorily, while remaining true to the spirit of agility.