De l’approche hiérarchique à l’intelligence collective : les avantages des équipes autogérées en entreprise


“It is not the strongest species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most capable of change.” -Charles Darwin. Similarly, in today’s business world, it is not the largest or richest companies that succeed, but those that quickly adapt to new realities.

The failure of traditional hierarchies

Many companies, even those that claim to adopt agile methodologies, remain mired in hierarchical structures. Titles like “Regional Manager,” “Team Supervisor,” or “Executive Director” still predominate, creating barriers to free communication and collaboration. The result ? Disengaged, stressed and often underperforming employees.

The power of collective intelligence

“Collective intelligence is the sum of the individual intelligences, skills and experiences of each person…” – Henry Ford. In an environment where collaboration is encouraged, where teams operate without the barrier of titles, innovation thrives. Studies show that companies that adopt self-managed team models see increases in productivity, employee satisfaction, and innovation.

The fundamental principles of collective intelligence

True collective intelligence is based on principles such as open communication, diversity, collaboration, shared leadership and constructive conflict resolution. These elements, when cultivated, form the basis of a strong, cohesive team.


Companies that embrace collective intelligence and abandon old hierarchical habits are setting themselves up for a prosperous future. In an ever-changing world, a company’s ability to adapt and innovate will always be more valuable than its size or wealth.