“Our brain developed in three stages: vertebrate, mammal and human cortex, managing instincts, emotions and rationality respectively. »
Example: When an individual instinctively flees when faced with danger, it is their vertebrate brain that reacts instantly to ensure their survival.
The power of automation
The human brain is a machine for creating automatisms, which influence our reactions and behaviors. These automatisms, anchored in our unconscious, are often deeply rooted and difficult to modify. For example, a smoker may find it difficult to quit smoking despite their will, because their brain is used to associating the act of smoking with certain situations.
Emotional ties
Emotions play a key role in our ability to change. Some habits are strongly linked to positive emotions or coping mechanisms. For example, a person who turns to food for comfort may have difficulty changing their eating habits because they associate food with emotional relief.
Brain resistance
Our brains are prone to resist change because they seek to maintain homeostasis and preserve the status quo. The brain often perceives change as a threat to its stability and triggers defense mechanisms. As a result, it can be difficult to step out of your comfort zone and adopt new ways of thinking or behaving.
Thought patterns
Our thought patterns, which are the result of our past experiences and deeply held beliefs, can be a barrier to change. These patterns shape our perceptions of the world and ourselves, and challenging these patterns can be uncomfortable and cause internal resistance. For example, a person who sees themselves as not very good at mathematics may have difficulty believing that they can become competent in this area.
Change is often difficult due to deeply ingrained automatisms, emotional ties, natural brain resistances and limiting thought patterns. However, it is important to remember that the brain is malleable and capable of adaptation. By understanding these challenges and actively working on our thinking, emotions and habits, we can gradually pave the way for positive change in our lives.